Displaying a legend with CHADA elements for all MOCHADA themes in a single diagram#
This example shows how to pack a legend (a.k.a colour key) showing all CHADA elements, for each MOCHADA theme into a single svg image for easy comparison.
import contextlib
import glob
import pathlib
import mochada_kit.running as mr
Get the paths to all the MOCHADA themes in mochada_kit/themes
theme_files = glob.glob(str(pathlib.Path("../../themes/puml-theme-MOCHADA-*.puml")))
themes = [str(i).split("puml-theme-")[1][:-5] for i in theme_files]
Make sure the theme based on the current working agreement (CWA) comes first in the list, and remove the themes “MOCHADA-plasma_A4w” and “MOCHADA-plasma_wide”, if they are present - these themes look the same as “MOCHADA-plasma” in a colour key but have one parameter changed to make CHADA tables fit better onto an A4 page/wide screen.
themes.insert(0, "MOCHADA-CWA")
for i in ["MOCHADA-plasma_A4w", "MOCHADA-plasma_wide"]:
with contextlib.suppress(ValueError):
Now we write the same key (an activity element for each of the CHADA elements with its corresponding stereotype) for each theme into a different “label” in the puml code file. There appears to be little control of placing the keys in rows and columns but this adjusts automatically as you add more themes.
with open(
pathlib.Path("../../gallery/puml_code/legend_chada_all_themes.puml"), "w"
) as f:
for i, j in enumerate(themes):
f.write(f"label l{i+1} [\n")
chada_blocks_uml = f"""!theme {j} from ../../themes
title {j}
:User Case; <<user_case>>
:Experiment; <<experiment>>
:Raw Data; <<raw_data>>
:Data Processing; <<data_processing>>
:Final Data; <<final_data>>
Finally we run the puml code to generate the svg diagram
Here’s the diagram: