
All changes to this project which may affect users are documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project tries its best to adhere to Semantic Versioning.

0.2.0 (2024-12-16)#


  • CITATION.cff as a way to give credit to contributors and to provide metadata for citing mochada_kit.

  • Documentation, built using Sphinx and the PyData theme.

  • Pre-commit linting and formatting using ruff. The file .pre-commit-config-yaml has been added to the top level. Users can install the hooks locally with pre-commit install. All staged changes are then passed through the ruff linter and formatter according to the sets of rules used. See the guide to Code style and pyproject.toml for further details.

  • Optional dependencies for documentation and testing.


  • All Python files have been run through the ruff linter and formatter to ensure consistent code style (incl. docstrings).